
Font Board

My son and I built this App in React Native. It was developed in an afternoon and pushed to app and play store on the same day.

Usage is low but it was a fun afternoon.


Python game development for beginners.

I did a workshop for kids aged 6 - 10 (April 2017) where we learned to build a clone of the game 'Flappy Bird' using python. Here are some videos which describe the workshop.

Designing REST APIs for mobile apps.

I was asked to give a talk (July 2015) on building REST APIs for mobile app development for the Women Who Code meetup group in Belfast. Here is a video and summary of the talk.


Here are a few bits and pieces that have made it on to github.

  • Scoreboard - A simple django webapp for maintaining an office ping pong, pool, chess, table soccer, etc league.

  • Image Cropper - An OSX cocoa application utility to crop images to a specified aspect ratio.

  • Project Hecatonchire - Working with the extraordinary Benoit Hudzia, I was heavily involved in the Hecatonchire Project during my time with SAP Research. Hecatonchire (meaning "Hundred-Handed One" in Greek Mythology) is a framework of tools (Kernel and Userspaces) aiming to provide memory, I/O and CPU resource aggregation capabilities to x86/Linux native application as well as to Linux/KVM VMs using commodity hardware and fast RDMA-enabled interconnects.